Deep Space

S4 - E1

Introducing the Galactic Federation
Is humankind on the verge of open extraterrestrial contact? Top defense experts from around the world discuss the role of a Galactic Federation in relation to recent UAP public disclosures.

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s4 - E2

The Greys
Who are the Greys? There was a time when every grey-colored extraterrestrial was considered a “Grey.” Today, members of the intelligence communities and direct contact experiencers are classifying the various races within the Grey species.

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s4 - E3

The Ebens
Were the Greys and EBENs once at war, despite sharing genetic origins? Discover how these two grey-colored extraterrestrial species may have put aside their own differences to help support the evolution of humanity on Earth. Explore the documented evidence of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBENs), as well as tales of Zeta Reticuli, and the EBEN planet Serpo.

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s4 - E4

The Andromedans
What influence have beings from Andromeda had on Earth? Discover why the Andromedans are a vital part of the Galactic Federation. Experts and experiencers offer their accounts of these blue-skinned extraterrestrials through direct contact, regressions, interdimensional downloads, and Akashic readings. These collected encounters reveal the nomadic nature of the Andromedans, their advanced biosphere spacecraft, and their history with Tiamet, Earth, and the Moon.

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S4 - E5

T he Acturians
How can physical humanoid extraterrestrials shift into light and communicate telepathically? Enter the dimension of the Arcturians, technologically-advanced blue-skinned beings from the Boötes constellation who have been aiding Earth since ancient times. These spiritually evolved Arcturians are highly intelligent, efficient, and compassionate, intentionally cultivating their species as logical yet loving beings to help lower vibrational species ascend.

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s4 - E6

The Sirians
How are beings from Sirius related to ancient civilizations of Earth like Egypt and Atlantis? Explore legends of Lemuria and how humanity could be the product of genetic splicing by Sirian extraterrestrials, who themselves might also be a hybrid species of blended DNA. From evidence in Egyptian hieroglyphics to the star charts of the Dogon tribe from West Africa, discover how Sirians could be one of our extraterrestrial forebearers.

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S4 - E7

The Pleiadians
From the Hopi, Mayans, and Cherokee, to the Hawaiians, Egyptians, and Maori, explore why so many ancient cultures of Earth depict detailed connections between our ancestors and Pleiadians. Experts, researchers, and experiencers offer their testimonies linking lost civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria with long-forgotten truths of the Pleiades and Earth. Discover the similarities between humans and Pleiadians.

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S4 - E8

The Reptilians
How do reptilian ETs project illusions that are obfuscating our reality? Explore energy structures of Earth, how our brains perceive illusions, and how Reptilians appear to shapeshift to humans. From the astral planes and free will to the Galactic Federation, discover how these master manipulators of the mind have an ancient history with Earth.

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S4 - E9

The Mantis
How can we interpret ancient myths of insectoid beings helping humanity through cataclysms on Earth? Explore the lost links of Ant-People, Insectoids, and Mantis ETs with ancient civilizations and tribes like the Maya and the Dogon. Experts share their research on how these various species could live in undiscovered areas of our own inner earth. Discover how Mantis beings are working with other extraterrestrial groups on a wide array of experiments to coordinate evolutionary efforts.

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The abundance code

S1 - E1

The scarcity trap
Society instills scarcity thinking in us from a young age. We are raised to think of the need to struggle to survive. We are constantly living with a sense of constraint, competition, and scarcity. Where does this thinking come from? And how can we overcome this fear-based belief that there's not enough to go around, and that we must always compete for resources?

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s1 - E2

The quest begins
The quest begins when you look at your life and the question arises: Isn’t there a better way? How can we escape the toxic states (consumption, relationship, self-doubt) that hold us back? We must learn to live cooperatively, rather than competitively.You don’t have to do it all at once — if you work on even just 1% improvement every day, you will begin to change the thought process. It helps to have a “why.” It helps if you are willing to be open to the new, to leave the comfort zone. Learn to accept the responsibility of being the creator of your life.

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s1 - E3

The abundance code
Collaboration and connection are the true keys to our abundant evolution. Shifting our focus away from "what can I get?" and instead to "how can I help?" is the fundamental shift that allows the energy of abundance to activate.Learning to amplify the give-and-receive cycle unlocks an unstoppable flow of abundance in our lives. When you bring a sense of gratitude into your life, you discover that you are already living the abundance, you just have to recognize how amazing life is. The state of having flows like a natural conclusion once the state of abundant being becomes a living, breathing way of interacting with the world. Feel joy instead of feeling fear; feel free instead of feeling caged. By giving, we can receive more than we ever thought possible.

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S1 - E1

Extraterrestrials, Antiquity & Evolution
Join your favorite, renowned experts in this introductory panel discussion for the Awakening Conference in Blackpool, UK. Explore our world’s greatest mysteries, from extraterrestrial to Egypt, elongated skulls to giant skeletons. Learn from leaders in the field about these unfolding secrets and what they mean for humanity’s past, present, and future.

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s1 - E4

Atlantis & the Annunaki
Is it possible the Atlanteans and the Annunaki are the same beings? Author Billy Carson shares his decades of research into esoterica, connecting the dots between the intergalactic civilizations today identified as Annunaki and Atlanteans. Sharing his findings on the Enuma Elish, the Seven Tablets of Creation, and the realities of Atlantis, Carson offers a deep dive on the ancient civilizations tied to human evolution on Earth.

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s1 - E10

Inner Earth: Hollow or Concave?
Could Shambhala exist within our Earth? From Tibetan legends of Shangri-La and stories of Agartha, explore the mysteries of hollow (or concave, or inner) Earth with scholar and researcher Andrew Gough. Learn accounts of green children and the Knights Templar as Gough presents evidence ranging from declassified CIA documents and centuries-old scientists like Edmond Halley to legends like author Jules Verne and Admiral Byrd.

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 Uri Geller's

S1 - E1

Bend a spoon, bend your mind
From an early age, Uri Geller knew that he was different. As a young child, he witnessed an energetic phenomenon that would change him forever. Soon after, he found out that he was able to bend spoons, read minds, and move objects without touching them. All of which eventually caught the attention of the military. We follow along with tales of his childhood, where he discovered his unusual gifts, through the events that shaped his motivation and inspiration for living a phenomenal life that would change the world’s understanding of how powerful our minds really are. He shares with us his unique perspective of the way our minds can willfully affect the molecular structure of objects causing them to change shape or manifest.

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s1 - E2

Paranormal proof & the CIA
Before there was an official remote viewing program, there was Uri Geller. In 1972, he traveled to Stanford Research Institute to have his unusual abilities tested under laboratory conditions. Unbeknownst to him, many of these scientists had direct links to the CIA which had a strong interest in his ability to gather information that they could not get in any other way. During this time, he worked with prominent scientists, such as Edgar Mitchell, Russell Targ, and Ingo Swan, who would go on to establish the initial Remote Viewing project. Much of what they did is still secret, but we gain access to footage from these experiments and see, first hand, the astounding results that shaped the CIA’s belief in the paranormal.

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s1 - E3

The paranormal & life after death
Some question whether or not we have angels surrounding us, guiding and protecting us. For Uri Geller, there is no doubt that they are real. Many events, from his extraordinary life, have definitively proven to him the reality of life after death and the paranormal. He shares stories of how he instantly traveled across NY state, his encounters with birds as souls visiting loved ones, and we see the egg given to John Lennon by an extraterrestrial being.

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s2 - E4

From dowsing to spirituality
Dowsing for oil may have been one of Uri Geller’s most lucrative endeavors, but it did nothing for him, spiritually. As a child, he learned how to find lost objects using only his hands, guided by intuition. He was able to capitalize on this ability, as several oil mineral companies used him to find rich deposits. One of his greatest treasures, that he shares with us, is a crystal skull found in the Temple of Inscriptions, given to him by the president of Mexico. But, when he discovered the spiritual nature of his abilities, all of these material gains paled in comparison to living a life of greater spiritual fulfillment.

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